G1. NO RDM. Running around killing players, unjustified or vaguely justified by desires of robbery and chaos are not allowed. Player killing can only commence after the approval of a kill ticket, which requires proper lore reasoning.
G2. NO GRIEFING. Don’t destroy structures mindlessly, even if they are unclaimed. If you wish to take down a seemingly abandoned structure, please contact mods before proceeding. This includes land griefing: “block vomit” in the wild, blowing up vast expanses of land with no purpose, creating exposed farm perimeters, lavacasting etc.
G3. NO DUPING for any reason (farms, traps, wars, etc.). Trying to circumvent this limitation will result in a ban. This includes TNT duping, rail duping, carpet duping.
G4. NO EXPLOITS. We stand for fair play and encourage roleplay. Don’t use unfair modifications, exploits or technicalities of any kind to gain an edge. Non-exhaustive list of banned tactics: player radar, block entity detection, chunk reloading, composter xray, ghost blocking, tab skin overlays and more. If you are unsure whether something you use is legal, please ask staff.
G5. NO FLYING MACHINES. Using them for warfare or long distance travel is not allowed. However, if they are used in a farm, a door, an elevator, or some other sort of mechanism where their movement is reasonably limited, then they may be used.
G6. KEEP BUILDS REALISTIC. While we don't expect everyone to have a degree in engineering and architecture, please don't make any floating builds. That being said, since magic exists in this world we can allow exceptions. Ask staff for more information.
G7. THE REVIVEME PLUGIN IS BUGGY. When trying to mess with the inventory of a downed person, there is a significant chance that some of your items may be lost. We do NOT restore these lost items! It is recommended to clear your inventory before trying to pickpocket a downed person, or have the downed person throw their things out.
F1. All farms, automatic or otherwise, need to look good and at least somewhat realistic. Cover up eyesores with any means necessary to keep our world looking nice (whether that be hiding it underneath terrain or a nice looking build).
F2. No farms (or any other machine) can have constantly firing redstone contraptions (no infinitely firing loops, for example). Use of hopper clocks instead.
F3. Villager breeders are limited to a maximum of 5 villagers.
F4. Villager halls are not allowed (a bunch of villagers in 1 place each trapped in a tiny space with their job block). If you wish to have villagers, each one needs to have their own properly built and decorated living space. For the purpose of lag reduction, please avoid having more than 5 villagers per chunk.
F5. For animal farms, avoid overly cramped conditions. If staff find too many animals in one place, they will either issue a warning or thin the herd immediately depending on the severity. A similar rule applies for mob farms; you must have a mechanism in place to prevent mob accumulation (auto kill or off switch if a player isn't doing the killing themselves).
F6. Farms that rely on entity cramming are not allowed (this includes minecart-based kill chambers).
F7. Avoid using copious amounts of observers.
F8. Limit the amount of items on the ground at one time. Either dispose of excess or make sure that your system is overflow proof and can pick up everything reasonably quickly. Make sure items don’t get stuck in transit on iceways and waterways.
F9. Iron and gold farms are not allowed. However, there are other ways to replenish mining supplies in the world. If your character is a miner, or has lore related to metallurgy, contact staff for more information.
F10. Portal-based farms are not allowed.
F11. Auto clickers, software-based or otherwise, are not allowed. All actions are to be performed by players themselves. This includes auto-fishing.
F12. Facility locations cannot be turned into auto farms.
A Facility is a location with special properties, usually a source of otherwise non-reproducible materials or otherworldly mobs. These regions, by default, are protected by WorldGuard.
X1. While facilities are admin claims by default, nations with a high enough player count (3 players - 1 facility, 5 players - 2 facilities, 7 players - 3 facilities, etc.) can overclaim a facility and make it their own. Overclaiming is done via tickets. Once a nation overclaims a facility, they become the new claim owners and can renovate the facility, including building walls to limit other players' access to the facility.
X2. Build rules apply to facility sites! Extreme terraforming, destruction of spawners, etc. can only be done with staff approval and has to have reasonable plot backing. Unsanctioned changes will be treated as griefing and can be rolled back without notice. All other standard build rules also apply.
X3. While a nation may build around a facility they have claimed, any builds they add to or around the facility will be considered a part of the facility. This means that in the event of a facility takeover, any claims limiting winner's access to the facility will be removed and the new owners can edit the facility as the please (following the same previously listed rules). Because of that, it is not advised to have your nation be adjacent to a facility, lest you lose your nation along with the facility.
X4. Individuals not representing a nation CANNOT claim facilities or the land around them. If a player whose claims surround a facility leaves the nation, their claims can be forcefully removed and claims blocks refunded.
X5. If you wish to take over another nation's facility, you may submit a ticket to do so, though your nation must meet the player count requirement detailed in rule X1. The same facility can only be targeted every 2 weeks. Also, keep in mind that while a takeover request isn't too hard to get approved, it is still an act of aggression and can lead to more severe tickets being approved against you.
X6. Given enough effort and lore justification, players may be allowed to create their own facilities, though they will be subject to the same rules as pre-existing ones. Please contact staff in you are interested in doing this.
Roleplay is a story weaved by multiple people at once. As such, it greatly relies on mutual respect and readiness to compromise. While respect can’t be forced, we have devised a set of rules and guidelines to ensure fair play and minimize OOC (Out Of Character) grievances.
This includes, but isn’t limited to:
⊚ Using replay footage to freecam. This includes using replays to find out a “thing” was even there and then “genuinely” discovering it in-game.
⊚ Using ANYTHING other than IC (In Character) channels on Discord to spread or gain in-game knowledge. That includes public channels, OOC channels, DMs and Group chats and even /msg in-game. If you need to tell something to another character, use IC channels or schedule an IC meeting in-game.
⊚ Using Discord calls while meeting in-game. Ensure your meetings are secure through in-game means and use Simple Voice Chat to talk.
Information gained through out-of-character means cannot be used to justify in-character actions, especially lore deaths, war requests, and other drastic measures. Attempting to justify those with unfairly sourced information can result in a ban.
R2. NO POWERGAMING. Powergaming is the act of forcing actions on another character. It’s most prevalent in text-based roleplay through writing another character’s actions/reactions without allowing the player themselves to have an appropriate input. We think denying players agency is a very drastic thing to do, even if lore allows for it. Due to this, any lore or lore actions involving mind control, possession or else have to be either approved by admins OR corroborated and agreed upon OOC by all parties involved.
R3. NO NSFW CONENT. While our server has an age requirement, we still rather pass on NSFW content, whether shared OOC or occurring in-game. This mostly relates to sexual themes, but excessive violence, gore and other triggering themes are to be treated carefully as well. For general reference, don’t breach the limits of 16+.
If you feel like your comfort is being breached by unwanted behaviors, whether they be occurring in game, in DMs or in public chats, don’t hesitate to report it.
R4. AVOID MINMAXING. Minmaxing is the practice of aiming to maximize the “profits” of your playtime. That can manifest as “speedrunning” best gear while disregarding building and roleplay entirely. There is no “winning” the game of roleplay via accumulating power, wealth and gear: concentrate on having fun and building meaningful connections instead.
R5. IC DISCRIMINATION: ALLOWED, BUT... We aim to be a welcoming and inclusive community, as reflected by our Discord and Minecraft chat rules. No forms of OOC discrimination will be tolerated.
What about the comically intense banter between dwarves and elves or an undead creature hating humans? We believe that, if done in good faith, such worldview conflicts can be fun and give other players room to shape their own moral compass.
Even (or rather, especially) if you play a disrespectful or morally grey character, remember to do things in good fun and remain respectful and friendly OOC for best results.
R6. AVOID RP FAIL (MEMES, SLANG, IRL REFERENCES IN BUILDS AND IC). The world of Newcoming is a fantasy world completely separate from our reality. As such, both world history and cultural development of the civilizations took a completely different route. We want world lore to reflect that.
While not a deadly sin in and out of itself, please don’t break others’ immersion by spamming, using memes or modern slang IC. Based on the severity, this may result in your chat perms being restricted.
Using IRL buildings and architectural styles as inspiration is still alright.
Offensive symbolism and references to IRL things are not allowed.
R7. BE CAREFUL WITH ROMANCE IN-GAME. Developing a romantic relationship between characters can be very fulfilling and a nice way to flesh out your character outside adventuring and politics. However, both parties have to be comfortable with the romantic subplot - or with one going wrong.
Additionally, treat characters belonging to minors as, well, minors.
For best results keep things platonic in general.
R8. BREACH OF COMFORT CLAUSE. If a plot development or another player’s behaviors are making you uncomfortable, you can and should signal that in OOC manner. “Sorry, I am not comfortable with this OOC” is a good way to do that. Those signals are to be respected and the behavior causing the issue has to be stopped and conflict resolved.
Abuse of this system to escape an unwanted plot development (for example, getting apprehended and detained after committing a crime) will lead to a ban.
R9. GOING OOC. If you don't feel like interacting while building a project or grinding resources, you are free to run the command /glow gui. From there, you may pick a color to glow as. It will also display your name tag. This will allow you to keep playing while also sending a clear message to approaching players. A player in OOC mode cannot be interacted with IC at all. Any interactions with someone that is in OOC mode are to be treated strictly as OOC.
NOTE: To go back IC, choose the white team and disable glowing. DO NOT USE WHITE GLOWING AS AN OOC COLOR, AS YOU CAN OBTAIN THAT EFFECT IN VANILLA. Also, IC is the default mode you are in upon joining. Don't forget to re-enable OOC if you lost connection!
Abuse of this system to escape an unwanted plot development (for example, getting apprehended and detained after committing a crime) will lead to a ban. COMMAND STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT, THINGS MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE
R10. NO VOICE CHANGERS. To make metagaming harder and to encourage roleplay, Newcoming doesn't have player name tags. Because of this, it is relatively easy to disguise yourself by changing your skin to remain incognito. To keep things interesting, you are NOT allowed to mechanically or procedurally alter your voice unless explicitly permitted by staff (particular events, personal lore etc). However, if you are talented enough to voice act to sound different, you are free to do so.
R11. SKIN DISGUISES. Since there are no name tags, it's very easy to disguise yourself by changing your skin. In order to prevent mass confusion and false accusations, please notify us in your respective staff thread. Also, you must include in your skin some sort of subtle (or obvious) giveaway that you are, in fact, wearing a disguise. If whatever you get up to ends up getting violent, it's very likely that the disguise will "fall apart." I suggest that if you want to remain completely anonymous, just use an invisibility potion.
After a very nasty string of sieges in recent history, some of the best minds on the island got together to devise a mechanism to prevent such devastation from occurring again. The result of their experiments was the Soul Anchor. It uses the energy of a person's soul and emotions to emit a protective field around their belongings and buildings. While powerful, Soul Anchors are not entirely impervious to hostile influence.
N1. All claims must have a Soul Anchor (respawn anchor) within them. Those that do not will eventually dissipate.
N2. All Soul Anchors and National Anchors must have, at minimum, 2x2 access to the outside world to allow for their influence to have an effect (this is to allow for sieging to be possible). We want to be flexible with what you're allowed to do to protect your Anchor, but please follow this rule of thumb; if the attackers can't get to your Anchor because of something blocking their path and there's no obvious way for them to circumvent it, then it will not be allowed. If you are unsure about a specific defense or trap, please talk to staff. Also, Anchors cannot be embedded within walls. 4 out of the 6 sides must be exposed to the air.
N3. Each new player will be given 1 Soul Anchor upon joining. Additional anchors may be purchased from merchants at spawn. Nations may request a National Anchor as an advanced form of protection. You must have an acceptable location prepared for a National Anchor before requesting one. They are 5x5x5, so leave plenty of room.
N4. A nation must have 3 members in order to be established. Alts may not be used to increase a nation's player count.
N5. People outside of a nation (nomads) are not allowed to claim facilities or declare war against anything protected by a National Anchor.
N6. In the off chance that you wish to use respawn anchors cosmetically, please contact staff, as their crafting recipe is disabled. NOTE: Any cosmetic respawn anchors must be CLEARLY NOT SOUL ANCHORS. Abuse of this will result in drastic consequences for both the build this happens in and the players responsible.
N7. You are not allowed to recruit people for a nation via OOC methods. All recruitment should be done in character and should happen naturally. You shouldn't be making a beeline straight to Kirian any time a new person joins the server, as that would fall under metagaming. Players should be able to visit different nations and get a better understanding of the world as a whole before making such a decision.
Note: If you are joining a nation that has people you are friends with OOC, this does not apply to you.
Another Note: If you try to get someone to NOT join a nation via OOC methods, that is equally against this rule.
Note: Since the war rules are regulating roleplay-related things, they are meant to only be enforced as base guidelines, and/or if there is an OOC disagreement between the parties involved in the war. These will be the default rules and what staff will typically be enforcing, however if both sides of a conflict agree OOC that they wish to deviate from this set of rules, they may do so. Just let staff know what the new set of rules is so we can enforce them properly during the fight.
W1. A ticket must be filed to request a war by the attacking party. A valid reason to go to war must be provided. The goal of the war must also be stated. For example, the goal could be to kill the leader of a nation that has been successfully avoiding assassination attempts, to take over something the nation owns (like a Facility), or to eradicate the nation entirely. Keep in mind, the more extreme the desired outcome, the better the reason you’ll need to get the ticket approved.
W2. Ideally, both sides will be able to mutually agree on a time to have the war, but if not, consult with staff and we will decide on a time based on when the most people on both sides will be available.
W3. If a character’s lore death is not one of the desired outcomes of a war, dying during the war will be considered an injury. Once “killed,” the player is out of the war and cannot get into another conflict until after the war ends. Killed players are to keep away from the war location entirely as to not confuse the parties that are still fighting. Dead players cannot deliver gear to their living comrades.
W4. By default, the location of the war will be determined by the attackers, depending on what their goal is. Most commonly, this will be a city or fortress owned by the defending team, but it will vary from war to war.
W5. Depending on the goal of the attackers (such as complete nation destruction), OR if the defending team is hiding in their own claims, the attackers may attempt to destroy the defender’s Anchor to gain access to their claim. Keep in mind that regular griefing rules still apply, however. You may only break blocks to get to someone that is exploiting claims to stay out of a fight.
W6. If necessary, traps will be individually checked and approved by staff. However, the general rule of thumb is that ALL traps must have an obvious way to avoid them. This could simply be walking around them, having the trap be triggered by a timer, manually triggered but with a built in cool down; as long as the trap has an obvious way to counter it, it will be allowed. That being said, traps designed to slow people down to an excessive degree (for example; lots of unavoidable lava, ANY amount of unavoidable cobwebs) are NOT allowed. If you want to take someone out of a fight, kill them. Also, if your trap fails to kill them, then they need a way to get out and back into the fight in a reasonable amount of time. REMEMBER: You’ll only get in trouble for an illegal trap if you actually USE it. If you have any doubts about the legality of anything you’ve built, please talk to staff about it before using it. One last note, don't bother trying to get any sort of trap that uses TNT minecarts or crystals approved. They are too powerful and too quick.
W7. Once a war begins, those that have access to the claim are not allowed to make any changes to the build during the war. Minor things like placing or removing buttons and levers is fine, but there shouldn’t be any walls popping up in the middle of the fight, for example.
W8. If the desired outcome of a war is the dissolution of a nation and the war is won by the attackers, that nation’s claims will be removed immediately. However, there will be a 2 week grace period where no significant changes to builds in that nation can be made, should they or one of their allies attempt to regain control. Looting is fair game, however.
W9. A war can end in 3 ways. The attackers can all “die” or retreat, resulting in a failed attack; the attackers can achieve their stated goal (or in extreme cases, completely wipe out the defenders, whichever comes first); or in very rare cases, a diplomatic solution is reached mid-combat.
W10. Claims not tied to a nation can still be attacked, and due to the much smaller Anchor size, are generally much harder to defend. However, whether or not you are a part of a nation, you may request that a nation tie your personal Soul Anchor to their Nation Anchor. That way, in order to siege whatever is claimed by your Soul Anchor, they will have to destroy the Nation Anchor instead.
W11. An exception to rule W3; let's say you've just been killed in a war and are out for the rest of it, but you'd honestly rather have a lore death than risk losing this war. At any time during the war, anyone on either side may decide to have a "last stand," giving them a second "life" in the war. They can gear back up and get back into the fight BUT if they die a second time, it is a GUARANTEED LORE DEATH. Just let staff know if you are doing this so we don't get confused. Note: This does NOT apply to people if one of the goals of the war to lore kill them. Once they're dead, they're dead.
We want people to have as much initiative and control over their stories as possible, thus, crime is allowed. However, we also want to encourage interactions and collaboration, thus, any SERIOUS CRIME requires staff approval via tickets.
Serious crime, as a rule of thumb, is anything involving killing a player or destruction of property. However, it's important to note that most, if not all of these rules can be ignored if the "victim" agrees OOC to whatever you have planned. Just make sure you have proof of their consent beforehand so they don't try to lie about it and get you in trouble later.
C1. Trespassing and spying are allowed. However, to ensure fair play, be prepared to provide proof to staff that you obtained information legitimately (easiest way to do this is to have replay mod running), especially if you got the information from a difficult to access or restricted area. Keep in mind any information that was obtained through the use of exploits such as block glitching, pearl glitching, water glitching, etc., will NOT be considered legitimately required. This means that using it will be considered metagaming. Also, you cannot use exploits to figure out if someone is spying on you (for example, player list + skin overlay, chunk reloading, F3 pie chart, etc.).
C2. If you catch someone trespassing or spying, you may attack them and punish them for their crimes. However, you may not lore death them unless there are clear warnings posted around the property saying that trespassers will be killed. This rule does NOT apply if there are kill tickets active, in which case those tickets will take priority.
C3. For any significant crimes (crimes that have required staff approval like Heists, Murder, and Sieges for example), you must be using Replay Mod to record yourself OR have a staff member with Replay Mod present for the crime.
C4. Stealing is allowed and is somewhat easy to do so as there are NO ender chests and containers are not protected by claims. However, if the person you steal from notices that they have been robbed, they are able to launch an investigation. Each investigation will vary from case to case, but will take things into consideration such as dice rolls from both parties, how secure the container was before being robbed, and the character history and backstories of both parties. Also, performing the robbery while the victim is offline vs. online and IC (especially when they're in their home) will also be taken into consideration when determining how much evidence the victim will receive from staff.
C5. A NOTE FOR ROBBERS: While tickets aren't required to steal things, it would still be appreciated by staff if you filed one anyway just so we know a robbery took place and can handle things in the future if necessary. Also, some places may be "impossible" to rob as players may decide to lock their containers with blocks. We do not want to reward lazy protection methods, so we are willing to help you bypass this sloppy security in certain cases. During heists, players will be able to investigate for "hollow floorboards and walls" to see if there are any chests hidden behind them. They will be allowed to remove blocks preventing those chests from being looted.
C6. NOTE FOR VICTIMS OF ROBBERY: Please confirm with your teammates and neighbors that they weren't the one's that "borrowed" your stuff before coming to staff to launch an investigation. It'll save us both time, trust me.
C7. We use a plugin that causes players to enter a "downed" state upon receiving fatal damage. This allows for things like kidnapping and apprehension instead of skipping straight to murder. On its own, kidnapping and imprisonment do not take much to get approved, however if you wish to escalate a kidnapping into a robbery or even a murder, this will require more strict approval.
C8. Infinite imprisonment isn't allowed without the victim's OOC consent. A release condition or reasonable release timeline has to be present, even if it is only defined OOC. We MAY allow for exceptions to this rule in very fringe cases, but the rule of thumb here is that we don't want players getting bored to the point of quitting the server.
C9. Inhumane prisons are easier to escape. If there is nothing for the prisoner to do or no one for the prisoner to interact with, the prison will become easier to escape as escape is the only thing they have to focus on. Also, the longer the imprisonment, the easier it is to escape. The OOC reason for this is similar to C7; we don't want players getting so bored they quit.
C10. If the prisoner is able to break themselves out, then that's fair game and the fault of the wardens for building a crappy prison (no exploits though, obviously). However, prison breaks by external parties need ticket approval. This is primarily to ensure that rescuers are only using fairly obtained information AND to help staff handle evidence. Similar to robberies, prison breaks will leave clues based on the same parameters (dice rolls from both parties, how secure the prison was, character histories and backstories, who was online at the time, and where they were).
C11. Using death and respawn mechanics for prison breaks is not allowed. We might end up just giving you a lore death if you try to kill yourself to break out of prison.
C12. For any sort of dice rolls concerning crimes, murder, or other things of that sort, the rolls must be monitored or performed by staff to ensure authenticity, AND the rolls must take place AFTER the crime (don't want people backing out of something if they don't get a good roll!).
C13. To discourage people from abusing claim access to rob those who have trusted them, if you steal from a claim you have access to, the owner will be able to discover your crime VERY easily.
Dying is pretty common in Minecraft and results in respawning at your bed or at spawn. Accidental death like that will not result in ramifications for your character: we don’t want to discourage players from exploring and having fun. Lore-friendly explanation for those can be “blacking out” or “barely making it out alive”. While you are free to roleplay sickness or fatigue after dying in the mines, you are in no way forced to do so and may continue playing as normal.
However, the characters in Newcoming are, in fact, mortal. Under certain circumstances, they can meet a more permanent fate than the minor inconvenience of a respawn. When a character permanently dies, this is referred to as a "Lore Death". Certain conditions must be met to force such a fate upon another player. That being said, much like the other roleplay-related rules, the following rules may be ignored if the victim agrees to be lore killed.
D1. Any request to lore death someone must be filed through a ticket. A good reason will be required for such a drastic action.
D2. People are allowed to assist you in giving someone a lore death, however you must be present during the attempt. If you are not present at the attempt, the attackers will need to file a ticket separately.
D3. When attempting to lore kill someone, you must state your intentions to lore kill them right before attacking them.
D4. Even if you kill someone in-game after warning them of your intention to give them a lore death, it is NOT a guarantee that they will experience a lore death. This is to avoid the problem of people abruptly having their stories cut short with no warning. Many things will be taken into consideration to determine the chance of success your attack will have, such as the reasoning behind the attempt, the backstories of both parties involved, and of course dice rolls. Also, giving someone at least 24 hours notice before the attempt takes place will increase the chance of success. Anonymous warnings will slightly increase your chances, while a direct, specific threat identifying yourself as the aggressor will GREATLY increase your chances. Finally, if you manage to survive an attempted lore kill, your chances of surviving future lore kills (with that character) drastically decrease, regardless of who is trying to kill you.
D5. The God of War holds great value in a fair fight. You can use traps to carry out a lore death. You can lure your enemy into an unfair position. However, these cowardly moves will greatly decrease your chances of success, even if you manage to kill your target in-game.
D6. If someone openly attempts to lore death you, you may lore kill them without needing admin approval (this specifically refers to when they say that they are trying to lore kill you right before attacking you). During these cases of immediate self defense, rule D5 does not apply to you, and you're allowed to get more brutal with what kinds of traps you use. However, if you find out that someone is trying to kill you and you file a ticket to try to kill them first, YOU will be considered the aggressor should you beat them to the punch; that means rule D5 WILL apply to you. Aggression is decided by who initiates the fight (who states the intent to lore kill before engaging in combat).
D7. Duels are held sacred by The God of War. In a proper duel where both sides are evenly armed, lore death is GUARANTEED for those that perish. However, cowardly attempts to gain an unfair advantage by those participating in the duel, OR external attempts to interfere with the duel can incur very nasty punishments for those that would dare to defy the will of a god...
D8. You may not attempt to lore kill someone that is OOC, AFK, or having extreme technical difficulties. However, if someone is using these things to avoid a valid lore death, staff may decide to strike them down for you.
D9. With exceptions in only the most EXTREME cases, you may not kill someone if they are imprisoned and were imprisoned BEFORE a kill ticket was approved.
D10. If you attempt to lore kill someone and then successfully kill them in-game, but the dice roll didn't go your way and they end up surviving the attempt, you MAY attempt to kill them again without the need for another ticket.
D11. Some dungeons may result in a GUARANTEED lore death if you die while inside of them. These will have very explicit warnings, and any player-made dungeons that want to have this as a danger will need to be extensively analyzed by staff. Enter these dungeons at your own risk.
D12. Building or breaking things during combat, regardless of whether or not the intended outcome is to be a lore death, is strictly prohibited. This is both to enforce a sense of realism and to prevent people within claims from having an even greater advantage than they already do. Exceptions to this rule include boats, mine carts (NOT TNT MINE CARTS THOUGH YOU SICK FREAK), and blocks that don't inhibit or increase player movement in any way such as buttons, levers, and torches. We also allow people to place shulker boxes mid combat, but they CANNOT be used to block off paths; only to restock your supplies!
IMPORTANT NOTE: "During combat" does not literally just mean whether or not you are combat tagged. If you are actively chasing someone or being chased, you are not allowed to place or break blocks. There must be a clear indication that the combat has ended before you are allowed to back to building. If you are confused about whether or not you should still be considered in combat, ask the people that are fighting you OOC.
IMPORTANT NOTE PART 2: If you are doing something that is likely to get you into combat, like spying on someone or trying to hide some other sort of crime, you cannot build or break blocks.
To summarize, this is a roleplay server. If you are using Minecraft's sandbox mechanics to get away with something shady in a way that wouldn't make sense IRL (like burrowing through meters and meters of stone every second, or sealing off a tunnel with some rocks in your hand), it isn't allowed.
"Heat of the Moment" Clause: Let's say you find out that the man across from you killed your son. That's clearly justification to kill him, but by the time you put in a ticket and get it approved, he might have run off. So you decide to kill him anyway, breaking the rules and potentially landing yourself in trouble.
The "Heat of the Moment" Clause is to help players avoid situations like this. If you do something that would normally require a ticket to be filled beforehand and only submit a ticket after the deed has been done because it made a lot of sense in character, the ticket may be retroactively approved. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. If the ticket is DENIED, then you will automatically be subject to consequences and having the event retconned, so please make sure you have a VERY good reason before trying to use this clause.
However, keep in mind that all other rules still apply. For example, if you want to lore kill someone, you'll still need to state your intention before engaging in combat. And as always, if the victim agrees to things, then it's fair game.
The result of a lore death is the loss of your character. Your character is dead, truly dead, and leaves behind all their mortal possessions. Your claims either get voided or inherited, either by your nation, someone you shared claim ownership with, or someone you set up to inherit your possessions in character. If you want to do that last option, you'd better make sure set up your will and testimony before you die.
If you choose to create a new character to continue playing, you need to go through character approval process in your staff thread. Once you are back to playing, you MAY NOT use any knowledge your past character had, be it state secrets, knowledge about traps or the political state of the world, other characters' personal secrets or locations of your character's stashes, bases, etc. Instances of such will be treated as metagaming. Inheriting/otherwise coming into possession of your previous character's notes and diaries is an acceptable way to carry over knowledge. However, it has to happen in an organic and reasonable way, and cannot be used to directly justify acting on your last character's grudges and wishes (i.e. "I found my last character's diary and he calls X pure evil, I will go and vanquish evil now!" - this is not allowed).
Also, when you experience a Lore Death or when you swap to a new character, you will not be allowed to join the same nation or group with your new character. A significant amount of time AND natural progression must take place before this is allowed.
However, there are characters that are able to persist through death itself. If your character is of such nature and it has previously been approved, please read on.
Reincarnating/persisting/revived characters have to face significant change through death in order to be allowed to come back. This can happen in the forms of:
Change of Heart: Changed ideals or values. Your character essentially "learns a lesson" from dying and will likely act different from now on. Example: a power hungry leader stepping back from ruling and choosing a quieter life as a miner.
Change of Paths: Changed interests and goals, decision to take on another adventure in this life. A bit less spiritual than change of heart but still significant enough. Example: a snob state archivist becoming a snob farmer.
Change of Nature: The basis of your character is warped or changed. Both your spirit and body go through changes. Examples: human vegan farmer turning into undead, now unable and unwilling to eat plant life and exploring their undead side/coming to terms with it.